
What’s your previous job?

I worked as a salesperson in the logistics industry for 2 years.

What’s your current job?

I am between jobs. I am still seeking for my new job.

Are you using English when you’re at work?

No, because my work environment always use Chinese.

Why do you decide to come to the Philippines?

Compared with other countries, learning English in the Philippines, tuition is cheaper than other countries, and Philippines is very near Taiwan.

Why do you choose to study at MeRISE English Academy?

The learning atmosphere in MeRISE is relatively free, so I choose MeRISE English Academy.

How was your study in the Philippines?

The school environment is very clean. The teachers' English pronunciation is clear and they are very friendly and kind.

Have you studied English before?

Of course, I have been studying English for nearly 15 years since I was an elementary school student, but I did not use English at work.

Did you enjoy your weekends in Cebu?

Of course! When I was on vacation, I traveled to Cebu, and I went to different places.
I went to Oslob to watch the whale shark, and I also went to Bohol Island for island jumping and snorkeling. I also enjoy shopping at SM Mall.

Do you think your English ability has already improved through this study abroad?

I used to be afraid to speak English in Taiwan, but since I have been with MeRISE, I am more brave enough to speak English.

How do you keep your English competence in the future?

I will continue to learn English on the Internet.

Do you have any plans after study abroad?

I will go back to Taiwan to find a new job.

Finally, I would like you to leave a message to those who are going to study at MeRISE.

Please hold a sincere mood and open your heart to learn. You will find the beauty of Cebu. Just come to join us!